8 year-old IEP student; police called

Student with IEP who has well-known behavior concerns as documented in the special education paperwork at the school experienced the public school calling the city police to deal with his behaviors.  Behavior experts were not called upon by the school to determine or implement a revised behavior management plan.  The student’s disability is his behaviors which manifest  routinely.

I wonder what this student’s wrap sheet looks like.NICHCYphotoWorried

Seems the educators overlooked in-house approaches to helping this student.

Parents need to be aware of the need to engage school district personnel in advance of a student’s meltdown at the school.  The school can utilize behavior specialists to tailor a program specific to the child so it would be less likely that law enforcement would be called.  Often districts don’t utilize specialists in the community who are behavior specialist.  However, schools are becoming more aware of the advantages of using them.

Advocates at the IEP Center help parents deal with school struggles.

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