child advocates can go to IEP meeting with parent in Kansas

A parent can take to IEP meetings whomever the parent may invite according to special ed  (IDEA) regulations.NICHCYcongress2

Some parents take family members, some parents take case managers from other agencies.  Taking someone is better than taking nobody.

However, who you take with you makes a difference.  In my experience, parents who took case managers from other agencies experienced the status quo from school district personnel.  After all, most case managers knowledge and experience with school districts is similar to how parents are treated regardless, and the school may know how to bamboozle them.  You and your case manager walk away from the IEP meeting assuming the meeting was productive which may not be reality.the-iep-center

Our advocates are familiar with the tactics school districts use to keep parents at bay which  results in the child receiving a minimal “schooling” of our child.  Over the years many parents expressed to our advocates the parent was treated with respect and much differently than before.

The IEP Center advocates are aware of information parents can use to work the system and not be bamboozled.

Has your advocate ever successfully participated in a special ed “mediation”? We have! We have been involved in mediation where the outcomes are agreeable to the parent. The public doesn’t learn of those outcomes since mediation  (free under IDEA) is confidential. Hmmm.  Mediation is not like an IEP meeting.

Don’t be bamboozled!   Parents who are serious about their child’s schooling and tired of being bamboozled use advocates at The IEP Center.  Parents who are serious about their child’s education use The IEP Center in Shawnee Mission, Olathe, Blue Valley and Leavenworth schools.

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Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center are not attorneys and do not give legal advice.  We do not give advice; we give information about the problems of children with special needs. We do not represent anyone. Consult an attorney. We are not a government agency and are not affiliated with any government agency.

© Copyright Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center  2015-2023

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Intimidated and manipulated in IEP meeting in Kansas

Several educators surround the parent and present their plan for the child for the year, based on the school’s staff schedules and the number of other children who also need services.


Parents can get more control

The parent asks for additional time in a service area and is quickly told that wouldn’t fit with the schedule.  Parent expresses concern that the child is getting left behind.

This was another “rubber stamped” meeting where the educators worked to just get through the meeting. As long as the parent is not assertive, the student may likely stagnate.

The March 2017 US Supreme Court decision was clear; children with IEPs are to have challenging objectives.

Advocates at™ help parents solve schooling problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs. Schools often don’t put plans into place legitimately unless a parent pursues action. Action can involve systems outside of the school district. Congress has many of these in place just for parents!  If the public doesn’t use them, then the “powers that be” assume there are no problems.

It’s what a parent doesn’t know that can deprive children of needed services.  We go to  school meetings with parents.AngelsenseRunnerJPEG

Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.  Hoping the problem will go away will only delay getting the problem addressed.  Waiting too long to address concerns eliminates opportunities for correction.  Parents can have more control than they often realize!

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©2017 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ are  civil rights advocates.  Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC advocates have special knowledge related to the problems of children with disabilities. We are not attorneys and do not give legal advice.  We do not represent parents or children.  We are not licensed to practice law in any state. Consult an attorney.  Nothing in this blog is to be considered legal advice. We offer low-cost services.

Flunking high school due to ADD

Student is flunking numerous classes although accommodations are listed in the IEP.  Parents have realized for years that the student needs help since he struggles in typical classrooms; he is successful with one-on-one instruction.photoboybooks

Advocates at the IEP Center™ can share with parents strategies on how to deal with scenarios like this.  Schools may be reluctant to develop an IEP for your child since it might require a specialist to spend time with your child which increases the school expenses.  Don’t be bamboozled!  the-iep-center

To contact an advocate by e-mail at theIEPCenter™, complete the form below.

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Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center ™are not attorneys and do not give advice.  We give information about the problems of children with special needs. Consult an attorney.

Too much shared in IEP meeting Kansas?

Sometimes sharing less information with the school district is more beneficial for the student and parent.  The district may be less likely to manipulate parents who are strongly advocating for their child when the district doesn’t know a parents financial situation.  After all, parents who might have extensive resources available might be in a better position to pursue challenges with the district. While on the other hand, a parent who exposes their lack of resources may lose any “edge” in positioning.100_0696

For example, when FAPE is at issue, a parent may trigger a unlilateral placement at a private facility* when the parent disagrees with the public school FAPE offer. Typically the parent must pay the tuition at the private facility until a hearing officer decides otherwise.  Poor parents often don’t have the luxury to trigger this option; that is, the ability to temporarily pay private tuition.  As a result, the child of the poor parent languishes in an inappropriate program.

Recently a parent who was moving to a new area shared with the public school district that she could consider he child attending a private school in the area.  While touring the potential public school,  the parent was shown the “safe room” where her child “may” be sent. (NOTE:  Safe rooms are often like a closet with a light).  The parent was sure to chose the private school without a “safe” room.  Did the public school know how to push this parent’s “buttons”? Did the public school not want this student?

When IEP meetings seem fruitless; parents might consider mediation.  It’s not like an IEP meeting.  A free mediator from the state facilitates the session and often an agreement is reached. Advocates from The IEP Center help parents prepare for mediation and can go to the session as well.

*there are many stipulations to this; read IDEA!

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If you’d like an advocate to contact you or, in Kansas, call 913 210 1200:

Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ have special knowledge about children with disabilities.  We are not attorneys. We do not give advice, legal or otherwise.   We do not represent anyone. Consult an attorney.


©Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC 2016

Kansas IEP students: parent disliked by principal in IEP meetings

The information a parent shares with a public school principal about home life can be problematic.

For our kids who self-injure and fall frequently, resulting bruises may make school personnel suspect of the parent. photo_30834_20110217graphicchildrenplayground  Some students may be so traumatized of their treatment while at school that they act out upon being picked up or dropped off to school. The school personnel may be in disbelief that one of their students would react in such a way.

A parent would want to consider taking another adult with them to the school when these discussions take place. If the relationship with the school personnel has already soured, perhaps the parent should consider sending e-mail or letter writing instead.  In the past, in advance of a school meeting, the parent asked the school resource officer to attend the meeting.

Advocates at The IEP Center can share how parents worked to be a step ahead of the school.  Don’t be bamboozled!the-iep-center

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Visit our website to arrange for an advocate to assist.  Marilyn McClure, CRP, is a certified teacher, parent of a child with developmental disabilities, and former due process hearing panel member in Missouri, and a civil rights advocate.

Contact an advocate:  please include your phone number

Advocates at The IEP Center are not attorneys and do not give legal advice. Consult an attorney.

©2015-2022 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center

Your child is worth it.  We provide service at low cost